Honestly, when Jim McGreevey first asked me to run, I turned him down. I had my doubts, but Jim persisted. He kept asking, and eventually, we sat down for coffee. We talked about our families. I cried about my Dad who passed away 8 years ago, and Jim cried with me.
From the start, I made it clear that I wouldn’t be a rubber stamp. I told Jim that if he was looking for blind loyalty, I wasn’t the right person to run on his slate. He assured me that wasn’t what he wanted. That gave me confidence—he values independent voices, not just agreement.
I’ve seen firsthand how Jim connects with people—he truly listens and brings a positive, solutions-oriented energy into every room. Having produced live performances and events for nearly 20 years, I know the power of the right energy. But beyond that, Jim is a leader. He engages a room with purpose, makes space for everyone, and stays focused on results.
Most importantly, Jim is ready on day one. He’s been a mayor, a governor, and a leader of major institutions. He knows how to manage, lead, and get things done. He is the right person for this job.
I have no doubt Jim will make Jersey City cleaner, safer, and more efficient while prioritizing our residents, businesses, and nonprofits. I respect all the candidates, but I’m running with the one who will be the most effective in shaping our city’s future—someone who shares my vision for an affordable Jersey City, who believes in partnering to achieve big goals, who will uplift our nonprofit and business communities, and who will keep our city safe and clean. The next administration will face fiscal challenges made more severe by current state and national politics. We need a strong, experienced leader to navigate them. I believe that leader is Jim McGreevey.
Meredith Burns
Running for Jersey City Council At-Large